Hi, I am Shriniket,

A Front End Developer

I thrive in complexity and enjoy making clean looking websites. I can be relied upon to help your company grow by providing clean and scalable solutions.

picture of a guy coding with headphones
picutre of a human face with files in the background

About Me

Hi! 👋 I'm Shri, a 24-year-old bartender turned self-taught Front-End Web Developer. I am a passionate self-learner and I am constantly working on building projects 👨 using the various technologies i learn.

I am capable of building clean looking projects with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a very deep interest in UI/UX design.

picutre of a human face with files in the background

My Tech Stack

  • html logoHTML
  • css logoCSS
  • bootstrap logoBootstrap
  • sass logoSass
  • javascript logoJavaScript
  • git logoGit
  • github logoGitHub
  • figma logoFigma
  • postman logoPostman

My Work.

A selection of my range of work

thumbnail of pricing template project

Pricing Panel
FEM static beginner Figma

A reimplimentation of a project design from a given Figma file created to be fully responsive for all devices. Semantic HTML and BEM principles were followed.

Technologies Used

thumbnail of multor project

Multor Landing Page
template static BEM beginner

A simple fully responsive landing page template for a medical company with a functional appointment query/boooking form setup.

Technologies Used

thumbnail of recipe page project

Simple House Restaurant
JSON API beginner

A fully-responsive Restaurant landing page with a dynamic menu list, the data for which is generated through a simple fetch from a JSON file that loads up the data on user interaction.

Technologies Used

documentation page thumbnail

Documentation Page
MDN static beginner

A fully-responsive documentation page template with a responsive and scalable navbar. This page is designed for readabilty and accessibility.

Technologies Used

documentation page thumbnail

Restaurant Survey Form
dynamic beginner HTML Forms

A fully-responsive restaurant survey form meant to take feedback from customers after their checkout and was designed with a simple user interface.

Technologies Used